Tuesday 20 May 2014

Baltit Fort            

Baltit Fort or Balti Fort is an old fortification in the Hunza valley in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. 

In previous times survival of the feudal administrations of Hunza was guaranteed by the noteworthy Baltit fortification, that sit on top of Karimabad. The establishments of the post are said to go once more around 700 years, however there have been remakes and modifications through the hundreds of years. In the sixteenth century the Thum wedded a princess from Baltistan who brought expert Balti specialists to remodel the building as a feature of her settlement. The engineering style is a reasonable evidence of Tibetan impact in Baltistan at the time. 
The Mirs of Hunza deserted the fortification in 1945, and moved to another castle down the rise. The fortress began to rot and there was worry that it may conceivably fall into ruin. Taking after a study by the Royal Geographical Society of London, a reclamation system was started and upheld by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture Historic Cities Support Program. The project was finished in 1996 and the post is presently an exhibition hall run by the Baltit Heritage Trust. 
Baltit Fort breaks the dreariness of mud-rock houses of Hunzakuts. It is arranged on the highest point of a knoll from where it ignores the entire valley. The fortress was assembled in the range of 600 years back. It is altogether made of stones, upheld by timber shafts and put over with sun-dried mud. Seniors of Hunza tell that a Balti princess was wedded with the Mir of Hunza. She brought Balti bricklayers and artisans to assemble this fortification as an endowment thing. The post remained the castle and family home of the Mirs until 1960 when a witch came to live in it. The regal family moved to another rock royal residence. The fortification has been well kept. It keeps up a gallery, library and a decent restaurant. The credit goes to  the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.      
                                                              The second carpet has family flats, banquet halls, illustrious court, arms terminal and guards` chambers. A gallery shows a captivating perspective of the valley. An alternate stepping stool takes to the top. This is the best spot to view the acclaimed top of Rakaposhi that climbs straight out of developed fields and achieves 7788 meters in the sky. Behind the fortification, the Karakoram climbs in an arrangement of needle-sharp crests. The most acclaimed of them is lady`s finger. Locals likewise call it Bulbuli`s top, after a fanciful Hunza princess. The top is steep to the point that even snow can't support on its top. Along these lines, the dark top stands interestingly with its snow secured neighbours                                                                                                                              

                          More about Baltit Fort                           

Baltit Fort, the previous habitation of the Mirs of Hunza                                                  In past times various little free states existed in the historical backdrop of Northern Areas of Pakistan. Among them Hunza and Nager were the customary opponent states, arranged on inverse sides of the Hunza (kanjut) waterway. The leaders of these two states, known as Thámo/ Mirs (Thάm=s), constructed different fortresses to express their energy. As per authentic sources (Ref: Tarikh-e-Ehd Atiiq Riyasat Hunza by Haji Qudrarullah Baig, Pub: S.t.printers Rawalpindi 1980 Pakistan), the Hunza rulers at first dwelled in the Altit Fort, yet later as an after effect of a clash between the two children of the ruler Sultan, Shah Abbas (Shάboos) and Ali Khan (Aliqhάn), Shaboos moved to the Baltit Fort, making it the capital seat of Hunza. The force battle between the two siblings inevitably brought about the passing of more youthful one, along these lines Baltit Fort further settled itself as the prime seat of force in the Hunza state.                                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                             A veritable fortune house for old strongholds, the Northern Areas of Pakistan lost a large portion of its magnificent assembled legacy around the nineteenth century as an after effect of the damaging assaults by the Maharaja of Kashmir. Nonetheless, in this respect individuals of Hunza were outstandingly lucky to effectively guard against the intrusions of Maharaja Kashmir four times. One of the greatest changes in the structure of Baltit Fort accompanied the intrusion of the British in December 1891. Tham/ Mir Safdarali Khan, leader of Hunza his wazir Dadu (Thara Baig III), fled tokashgar (China) for political haven with their colleagues and families. With the triumph of Hunza and Nager states by the British drives in December 1891, the sustained divider and watch towers of the old Baltit town and watch towers of the Baltit Fort on its north-western end were additionally annihilated as wanted by the British powers. The British introduced his more youthful sibling Tham/ Mir Sir Muhammad Nazim Khan K.C.I.E, as the leader of Hunza state in September 1892.                                                                                                                            

Throughout his rule, Tham/ Mir Nazeem Khan made a few real adjustments to the Baltit Fort. He decimated various rooms of third carpet and included a couple of rooms in the British pilgrim style on the front rise, utilizing lime wash and color glass board windows. The Baltit Fort remained authoritatively possessed until 1945, when the last leader of Hunza, Mir Muhammad Jmamal Khan, moved to another royal residence further down the mount, where the present Mir of Hunza Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan (Current Chief Executive of Northern Areas) and his family are dwelling. 

With no legitimate power endowed to watch over it, the Fort was laid open to the assaults of time and throughout the years its structure debilitated and started to fall apart. His Highness Aga Khan IV launched the rebuilding exertions for Baltit Fort in 1990, when Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan the child of last leader of Hunza, Tham/ Mir Muhammad Jamal Khan and his family liberally gave the Fort to the Baltit Heritage Trust, an open philanthropy shaped for the unequivocal motivation behind owning and keeping up the Fort. The rebuilding embraced by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture in Geneva in acquaintanceship with the Aga Khan Cultural Service (Pakistan), took six years to finish. The undertaking was upheld by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture as the primary benefactor through its Historic Cities Support Program, and additionally by the Getty Grant Program (USA), NORAD (Norway) and the French Government. 

The restored Fort, shining in its magnificent magnificence was introduced on September 29, 1996 in the vicinity of His Highness the Aga Khan IV and the president of Pakistan Farooq Ahmad Khan Laghari. It is currently worked and kept up by the Baltit Heritage Trust and is interested in guests. Protection getting it done, the Baltit Fort serves as an impeccable illustration of society restored and safeguarded for the future eras of the mountain individuals.                 

Monday 19 May 2014

Summer in Hunza

Summer in Hunza                                                            

The British General and fighters touched base in the mid year throughout the 1870 as did everybody who setting out to Hunza. This was the harvest season for the grains, products of the soil from the arrangements, and a significant part of the sustenance was devoured crude. Since fuel for cooking was spared to be utilized within winter for bubbling meat and giving some hotness to the stone abodes, almost no meat was expended in summer and vegetable were consumed crude.
Inquisitive guests who took after the British troopers to Hunza Valley years after the fact regularly touched base in summeralso, and the middle of the year eating methodology of the individuals headed guests to expect they were fundamentally veggie lover and consumed almost no meat. This was commonplace of the mid year harvest season. Numerous primitive societies incorporating cave dwellers existed in a comparative way, glutting themselves on accessible tree grown foods throughout the short season and consuming generally meat for whatever remains of the year. The populace of Hunza contrasted in that they never had a wealth of anything aside from rocks. They didn't have enough creatures to give copious meat throughout the winter in view of the absence of grub. They would not like to slaughter female creatures that were milk makers unless the creature was old or lame.the Hunzakuts are said to have developed plants included grain, millet, wheat, buckwheat, turnips, carrots, dried beans, peas, pumpkins, melons, onions, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, apricots, mulberries, walnuts, almonds, fruits, plums, peaches, cherries, pears and pomegranates. John Clark did not discover green beans, wax beans, beets, endive, lettuce, radishes, turnips, spinach, yellow pear tomatoes, Brussel sprouts or parsley. Cherry tomatoes and potatoes are thought to have been gotten by the British. The long arrangement of presently become plant mixed bags ought not be an attention when examining the life span of the Hunzakuts and their past eating methodology.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Apricot trees were extremely prevalent, and the soil grown foods was consumed crude in season and sun dried for winter. The pits were split to get the bit that was pounded to acquire the oil for cooking and lights. The hard shell was kept for a shoot fuel. The part and oil could be consumed from the mixed bag of apricots with a sweet bit, yet the severe portion assortment had an oil holding toxic prussic corrosive. Click the picture to see an enlargement.the apricot trees were permitted to develop substantial keeping in mind the end goal to get the most extreme yield. Picking the greatest measure of tree grown foods was more critical than the trouble in picking. The youngsters might rush to the higher extensions to pick or shake off the apples and oranges. Planting new trees obliged a few years of development before any tree grown foods was generated. The exceptional enclosure residue or frosty milk did not help the age or size of the trees as is usually asserted. Our cutting edge plantations are not dealt with that way in light of the fact that we have rich space and picking is costly. Our trees are cut when the size makes them troublesome to gather, not on the grounds that they neglect to live as long as those in Hunza.                    

Mulberries, which take after blackberries fit as a fiddle, are a most loved apples and oranges. At the point when completely ready, their flavor is sweet-sharp however to some degree flat. The assortment developed in Hunza was in all probability a brilliant color.A vast mixed bag of indigenous natural life including markhors sheep, Marco Polo sheep, geese, ducks, birds and partridge gave the early Hunza seekers with meat notwithstanding their sheep, goats and tamed Yaks. Chickens were likewise raised for meat and eggs until at some point in the 1950s when they were banned by the Mir. The Queen and her kids went on Yaks while the King and other men rode steeds. The Yak is a solid wild creature which they trained for going in the mountains as a helper animal trouble pack creature. Notwithstanding Yaks, which gave milk and meat, the Hunzakuts likewise had goats, sheep, cows and steeds. Nonetheless, there were not many bovines or stallions in Hunza in 1950 on the grounds that they expended a considerable measure of feed contrasted with goats and sheep. The Yaks, goats and sheep were crowded in the Spring to zones simply beneath the snow line for sustaining on meager grasses and plants.                                                           

    They were drained by the herders who made margarine that was conveyed once more to the individuals in the towns underneath. The herders had a lot of milk to drink that valley individuals needed. The Yaks were likewise drained. Bovines and stallions couldn't be grouped to the higher height in light of the fact that the vegetation there was essentially to sparse.the picture is of the Cathedral Peaks as seen from the town of Ghulmit 23 miles (37 km) upriver from Baltit close to the northern end of Hunza. Summer grains are seen developing in the forefront. The Mir's principle Palace was in Baltit, yet since kindling was more copious in Ghulmit, he picked this area for his winter habitation. Click the picture to see a broadening.        


Saturday 17 May 2014

Hunza Valley

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Hunza Valley       Hunza Valley is a sloping valley in Gilgit in the Gilgit-Baltistan self-governing locale,  at     erritory under the control of the administration of Pakistan. The Hunza valley is arranged to the north of the Hunza River, at a rise of around 2,500 meters (8,200 ft). The region of Hunza is about 7,900 square kilometers (3,100 sq mi). Karimabad (in the past called Baltit) is the principle town, which is additionally an extremely well known traveler terminus due to the tremendous landscape of the encompassing mountains like Ultar Sar, Rakaposhi, Bojahagur Duanasir II, Hunza Peak, Diran Peak and Bublimating (Ladyfinger Peak), every one of the 6,000 meters (19,685 ft) or higher.                                                                                                                                                                                              Hunza                                                                                                                                               Hunza was earlier a regal state bordering China to the north-east and Pamir to its north-west,  which kept on survive until 1974, when it was at last disintegrated by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The state circumscribed the Gilgit Agency to the south, the previous royal state of Nagar to the east. The state capital was the town of Baltit (otherwise called Karimabad) and its old settlement is Ganish Village.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 Hunza was a free territory for more than 900 years. The British picked up control of Hunza and the neighboring valley of Nagar between 1889 and 1892 took after by a military engagement of extreme power. The then Thom (Prince) Mir Safdar Ali Khan of Hunza fled to Kashghar in China and looked for what might be called political haven. 

The decision group of Hunza is called Ayeshe (superb), from the accompanying condition. The two states of Hunza and Nagar were some time ago one, ruled by an extension of the Shahreis, the decision group of Gilgit, whose seat of government was Nager. Convention relates that Mayroo Khan, evidently the first Muslim Thum of Nagar almost 200 years after the presentation of the religion of Islam to Gilgit, wedded a little girl of Trakhan of Gilgit, who bore him twin children named Moghlot and Girkis. From the previous the present administering group of Nager is slipped. The twins are said to have demonstrated danger to each other from conception. Their father seeing this and unable to settle the inquiry of progression, separated his state between them, providing for Girkis the north, and to Moghlot the south, bank of the stream.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
                                                                                                                                                             The Hunza is arranged at a height of something like 2,500 meters (8,200 ft). For a long time, Hunza has given the snappiest access to Swat and Gandhara for an individual going by walking. The course was closed to gear creatures; just human doormen could get past, and after ward just with authorization from the locals. 

Hunza was effectively safeguarded as the ways were frequently short of what 0.5 meters (20 in) wide. The high mountain ways regularly crossed exposed bluff faces on logs wedged into breaks in the precipice, with stones adjusted on top. They were additionally always presented to standard harm from climate and falling rocks. These were the tremendously dreaded "hanging ways" of the early Chinese histories that startled all, including a few acclaimed Chinese Buddhist friars, for example, Xuanzang.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               People in Hunza                                                                        
 To the extent that the valley is well known for its excellence, the populace of Hunza are noted for their invitingness and accommodation. The neighborhood dialects spoken are Burushaski, Wakhi and Shina, numerous individuals comprehend Urdu. The writing proficiency rate of the Hunza valley is accepted to be more than 90%. Essentially every youngster of the new era studies up to at any rate secondary school level. Numerous seek after higher studies from prestigious schools and Universities of Pakistan and abroad. 

A large portion of the populace of Hunza are Ismaili Shia Muslims, adherents of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan, while in Ganish Village more than 90% are Shia Muslims. 

        The Hunza locale is home to individuals of three ethnicities:                    
  •  The Lower Hunza territory - (from Khizerabad to Nasirabad is primarily possessed by the Shinaki individuals who are Shina speakers; 
  • The Central Hunza region - (from Murtazaabad to Ahmedabad) is chiefly possessed by Burushaski speakers. 
  • The Upper Hunza region, known as Gojal - (from Shiskat to Khunjerab is chiefly populated by Wakhi speakers; 

 Most of the individuals are Ismaili Shia Muslims who are supporters of the Aga Khan. The          present Aga Khan has given a great deal of financing to the range to help with farming and the   neighborhood economy through the Aga Khan Development Network.

Best time to Travel: 
Hunza valley is accessable in each of the four seasons (all around the year) yet the best time to Travel there is from March to Novermber.                                                                                                


Season of Hunza Valley:                                                                                                      Hunza is one those palces which is blessed with four seasons, 

 1) Spring (March - April)                                                                                                                       2) Summer (May - August)                                                                                                                    3) Autumn (September - November)                                                                                                    4) Winter (December - February)   


Autumn in hunza valley

                                                                 Winter in hunza valley

                                                                Summer in hunza valley

                                                       Spring in hunza valley


Thursday 15 May 2014

Nature Beauty and Adversity

Nature Beauty and adversity

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 Characteristic Beauty and an Adversity Everything was okay work yesterday, yet what has happened today. Why has homicide happened in Hunza Valley? For sure, Hunza Valley was renowned all around the globe in light of the fact that there was no any homicide in the whole history of Hunza Valley. It was conspicuous as a result of peace in it. We didn't have any kind of dread in light of the fact that we realized that from the asking there was peace in Hunza Valley. However, there is no peace in the whole nation, yet we asked that there was obviously peace and peacefulness in Hunza Valley. The majority of the individuals from different parts of world went by Hunza Valley in light of the fact that they were inspired from nature. Then again, Hunza Valley was renowned on account of its common magnificence that has talented to us by Almighty Allah.

                                                                                                           Hunza Valley was indeed excellent spot as for its characteristic magnificence, its seasons, products of the soil, mountains, glacial masses; water and so forth. Positively, a straightforward picture of Hunza Valley depicts all its qualities. Consistently, vacation went to Hunza Valley despite the fact that the state of Pakistan was not proper. They didn't anxious about their passing in an interesting manner on the grounds that they were amped up for their adventure crosswise over Hunza Valley. Truth be told, they might have dream to visit Hunza, in this manner they came to Hunza to satisfy their cravings that they had imagined since they thought about this spot. Furthermore, Hunza Valley is undoubtedly like an awesome enclosure that is loaded with gleaming blooms which make other cheerful when they pass through it. When we enter into Hunza valley, we feel diverse. It appears as though we are in a paradise where everything provides for us bliss. For example, aroma of blossoms provides for me joy. My brain naturally gets crisp at whatever point I pass myself over these blooms. Moreover, greenery of Hunza valley provides for me an impression about new life. It acquires bliss my life. I have by and by accomplished that green leaves, gigantic trees, and green fields make me amped up for new life. I normally hold up for each season of Hunza. Without a doubt, each one season, each foods grown from the ground, and sustenance and so on have their taste in Hunza Valley. I might want to say that a visitor will have the same purpose of perspectives about Hunza Valley in the event that you get some information about its magnificence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                              Notwithstanding, I truly feel terrible and tragic in light of the current state of the Hunza Valley on the grounds that we have never imagined that Hunza might get to be casualty of terrorism, and there might be killings. That being said, this all is a direct result of us. We are the fundamental reason of this condition. On account of our transgressions, a homicide was happened. Presently we are taking less enthusiasm toward our religious. We overlooked all the Islamic laws and principles which had provided for us by our Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad. We have overlooked the fundamental standards of our author, Quid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. We have begun to partake in political commitments. We ought not be more restless about legislative issues, rather we ought to think discriminatingly and after ward take a lawful step that may not harmed any other person.                                                                                                                    

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Beauty of Hunza Dam

Hunza Lake 

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 Hunza is popular on account of its characteristic scenes around the globe. Consistently, there is an immense number of voyagers coming to Pakistan to visit Hunza valley. It is nothing short of what a heaven on earth. Hunza has its regular magnificence additionally other human made spots which act like having characteristic scenes. Similarly as with other northern parts of Pakistan, hunza is likewise enduring with land sliding. It is an enormous issue as late land sliding in Hunza covered a vast some piece karakoram superstate This is a stand out amongst the most gone by spots by travellers. It is a true excellence as it has characteristic magnificence. Nature appears to be forgiving in this valley which is secured by ice secured mountains and elevated blooms. High blooms have regular scent which is an extra heart getting claim to fame of Hunza. The excellence of this spot can't be depicted in words as it is a great spot. The avalanche on January 4, 2012 brought about regular dam of one km width. It hindered the southern stream of Hunza River. Consequently characteristic dam made on Hunza River. It was surely a fundamental need in Hunza which is made by nature. As land sliding is an enormous issue in such which is exchanging source between Pakistan and China.

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Hunza dam has commendable scenes. Gojal Lake is behind Attabad avalanche which filled rapidly as a result of the land sliding. Around then, filling was low however as it expanded the filling likewise expanded quickly. The softening of ice and water release from nearby ice sheet offered ascent to land sliding. More issues emerged on account of the absence of learning about the structures of area line mass. Over-fixing got troublesome due to three reasons; Hunza stream release emphatically which was because of Snow belt and the topographic information was not legitimately accessible. In short, Hunza valley is a commendable place to visit. Other than land sliding, a ton of voyagers visit Hunza consistently and they are expanding step by step.