Friday 6 June 2014


Altit Fort                                 Altit is an old town with extraordinary chronicled, social and design hugeness and monstrous magnificence. It finds at the heart of Hunza valley at more than 2200 m. Altit is the origin and first capital of Hunza kingdom.                                                                   The grand Altit Fort is spotted at the most astounding point in the old settlement region. The Altit town offers extraordinary appreciation for visitors from mid March to mid October. Altit's social, recorded and stylish qualities lie in its fabricated structure, the flanking mountain runs, the ice sheets, streams and man-made developed porches encompassing the Hunza valley.                                                                                                                                  
The great verifiable Altit fortress is focal point of fascination because of its building outline and key area. Altit is one of the most seasoned settlements of Hunza valley. Throughout the time when Hunza was under the focal legislature of Gilgit realm, Altit served as the capital and sitting spot of Hunza. Altit is the origination of the Hunza Kingdom and Altit post is the first stronghold of the area. Throughout ahead of schedule time of previous Hunza state Altit was the capital. The artisans from Baltistan who went hand in hand with the wife of Mir Ayasho II developed this post throughout 1540s A.d. The post has been developed in six separate stages by utilizing different common levels of the rock. The development has been made right on the edge of a sheer shake precipice that drops 1000 feet straight down to the Hunza River.                                                                                                                                                      
First and foremost it was constructed as a castle, not long after the expansion of the watch tower a guarding building component it converted to a post. There is extraordinary plausibility that distinctive phases of the fortification have been built throughout diverse times on the grounds that the genuine period of the stronghold is said to be more than 800 years. Notwithstanding, the date of development on the post tower is composed as 955 A.h/1548 A.d subsequently the age is ascertained as 458 years. This fortification is said to associate with 50-100 years more established than the Baltit Fort. At the point when the state capital exchanged to Altit it stayed empty and at times utilized as a visitor house. The post was in transfer of Raja Amin Khan who gave it to Aga Khan Cultural Services, Pakistan (AKCSP) in 2001. AKCSP after some crisis repairs is currently attempting to save this authentic legacy.